A great numer of movie stars or singers choose to end their lives by committing suicide.
We see them as shinning stars, all these adorable looks, sweet smiles, and charming characteristics, everything of the best. and we are really at shock when the news came that they suicided themselves.
Stars are all same human, and humans are weak for most of the time, and the stars are taking on a lot of pressures which we can possibly imagine, and depression is probably the major cause they ending their lives like this.
Get to the playground, when someone pass you a basketball, you will need to catch it before it's coming to your face.
Now the brain is probably busy instructing all your muscles and cells to get ready for the pickup and not to let the ball hit your nose.
There is a moment, I believe, the brain is released from these depressions. A distraction, that's what it is. Keep your brain occupied with one thing and then forget everything else.
One you build or rebuild the confidence in the yourself and in this life, you're good to go now.
I suffered from great depression in high school and years after that, and yet I survied and luckily, I survived.
Author: Bruce
Site: http://steam-baths.com/